冬天冰雪環繞中,美麗絕倫的 Crater Lake,美國境內最深的湖泊 at 1,943 feet deep.
“Crater Lake has inspired people for thousands of years. No place else on earth combines a deep, pure lake, so blue in color; sheer surrounding cliffs, almost two thousand feet high; two picturesque islands; and a violent volcanic past.”
由 Klamath Falls 出發,一趟沒有預期的旅程,與 Crater Lake 令人難忘的美麗邂逅。
Enter the park from the south entrance at Annie Springs (off Highway 62). 路上覆蓋著細碎的冰雪,兩旁則是比車子還高的雪牆夾道,二月底賞心悅目的 winter wonderland。
“Crater Lake is one of the snowiest inhabited places in America, receiving an average of 43 feet of snow per year.”
Steel visitor center 旅客中心幾乎埋在積雪中。
因為是意料之外的旅程,在冬季臨時到訪美國積雪最多的雪鄉勝地之一的 Crater Lake,想當然耳沒有預先準備雪靴,踩著高跟靴子一步一步爬上雪坡,只為一睹 Crater Lake 的風采。
美麗絕倫的 Crater Lake
知名的湖中小島 Wizard Island
知名的湖中小島 Phantom Ship
Rim Village Cafe and Gifts 餐廳禮品店幾乎埋在深雪中。
依依不捨離開,想著夏天要來看看 Crater Lake 不同的風貌。
回程經過 Lake of the Woods Resort
Klamath County, Oregon
Coordinates: 42° 53' 48.91"N 122° 08' 03.08"W
950 Harriman Route
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601-8518
Phone: 541-949-8300
Toll Free: 866-201-4194