
南瓜,閩南語稱為金瓜,是外婆烹煮甜湯與餐點常用的食材,也讓我從小就養成了愛吃南瓜的喜好。南瓜的瓜皮瓜肉與瓜子皆可食用,營養價值又高,在講求「全食物、全營養、全吸收」(Whole Food Concept) 觀念的時代,南瓜真是全身上下裡裡外外都是寶呀。

A recent AICR (American Institute of Cancer Research) report examined over 4,500 studies on the link between diet and breast cancer. The report found that a diet rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables and beans significantly reduces cancer risk.
A variety of plant-based whole foods working together is thought to be more beneficial than the effect of isolated supplements and vitamin pills. According to Ritva Butrum, Ph. D., "The concept of synergy is key. Future cancer-fighting efforts are more likely to revolve around dietary adjustments than one miracle pill."


Honey Whole Wheat Bread with Pumpkin Seeds
water                                         9 oz
pumpkin seeds with strings (fresh) 5 oz
honey                                         2 tbsp
canola oil                                    1 tbsp
salt                                            1 tsp
bread machine whole wheat flour    1 ½ cups
bread machine flour                      1 ½ cups
active dry yeast                            2 tsp
pumpkin seeds (raw, dried)            ½ cup
1. Combine water and fresh pumpkin seeds with strings in a food processor or blender. Grind the mixture very well. Pour the mixture into the pan of bread machine.
2. Place the rest of ingredients (except raw pumpkin seeds) in the pan of bread machine in the order listed. Put on whole wheat cycle with light crust. The cycle time is 3 hours and 40 minutes. Whole wheat bread does not rise as high as others.
依材料所列順序將其餘材料(乾燥南瓜子除外) 一一加進麵包機內。麵包外皮選擇淺色啟動全麥麵包製作功能全程需時3小時40分鐘。全麥麵包發酵完畢的體積會略小於其他麵包。
3. Add raw pumpkin seeds into the pan of bread machine when the “add-ingredients signal” beeps. Time on display will show 3:00. It is 40 minutes after the program started, at the secondary knead process. Let the bread machine continue the rest of process.


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