今年的西洋情人節恰巧是中國農曆新年的大年初一,又逢美國 President’s Day long weekend,好巧喔! 有鮮花有卡片有禮物有紅包,還有應景的中西佳餚,好開心呀! 小倆口也就吃吃喝喝渡佳節囉。
情人節晚餐 是 R 當天給我的神秘禮物之一,要到了餐廳才知道當晚的美食饗宴在何處,一直喜歡這樣的驚喜。
First Course
Ginger Poached Prawns
with chipotle cocktail sauce
Second Course
Hearts of Romaine Caesar Salad
Spencer’s House Salad
Main Course
Bone-In Spencer Steak
sautéed mushrooms, seasonal vegetables & garlic skin-on mashed potatoes
Prime Rib
slow roasted, Brandy-thyme au jus & garlic skin-on mashed potatoes
Raspberry Sorbet
Fourth Course
Chocolate “Naughty” Cake
with vanilla whipped Chantilly
Crème Brûlée
with flambéed bananas
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
Spencer’s for Steaks and Chops
2050 Gateway Place, San Jose, CA 95110
located in the Doubletree Hotel, San Jose.
Phn: 408-437-2170