2012 中國農曆新年的舞獅表演,在The Wharf Cinema Center in Lahaina 拉海納,Maui Hawaii 夏威夷茂宜島。
睽違許久的 戀戀夏威夷 之旅,終於再次成行了! 這次來到 Maui 茂宜島,把 Maui 的東西南北、山巔水湄 全部走透透。
兩條聞名的九拐十八彎公路:Hāna Highway (HI-36 + HI-360, Road to Hāna) 哈納公路,以及哩程短一些,但是狹窄度與蜿蜒度比起哈納公路亦是不惶多讓的 Highway Route 340,我們抗拒不了路途上迷人的景色,開著車來回了幾次。還有島上最南端的 Route 31,是一般租車公司都不建議開上去的公路,我們也很不巧地,在下著雨的暗夜裡挑戰成功。要賞盡 Maui 的美景,這幾條路途上美景處處,引領著你通向桃花源、又窄又彎的公路,還真是少不了呢。
"I went to Maui to stay a week and remained five. I had a jolly time. I would not have fooled away any of it writing letters under any consideration whatever." -- Mark Twain / Letters from Hawaii
我們也像大文豪馬克吐溫一樣,心也留在 Maui 了,恨不能也在 Maui 待上五個星期。
“Maui nō ka ʻoi” !
美麗迷人的 Maui,讓人意猶未盡。
As soon as the thousands of highlights of the trip in the camera have been released, the pictures will take over to tell the story.
To be continued …