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The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

"Everything will be all right in the end. If it's not all right, then it's not the end."

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American Reunion

American Pie美國派第四集

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The Vow  

“Can a once in a lifetime love find a second chance?”

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The Lucky One

改編自 Nicholas Sparks 的同名小說 (The Lucky One)

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Wrath of the Titans

一部 IMAX 3D 希臘神話奇幻冒險動作片, 2010 Clash of the Titans這部電影的的續集。

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The Hunger Games 

根據 Suzanne Collins 的暢銷小說The Hunger Games)《飢餓遊戲》所改編的電影

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Act of Valor  

“The only easy day was yesterday.”

憑著 勇氣忠誠榮耀,執行大無畏任務

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Happy Birthday 2012  

My love for you …

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My Week with Marilyn  


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The Artist  

The Artist大藝術家,是 2012 年奧斯卡的最大贏家,總計獲得五項大獎,包括最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳導演、最佳原創音樂、最佳服裝設計。


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Happy Anniversary 2012-1


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The Iron Lady  

Beyond the power, lies the extraordinary story of an extraordinary woman.

One woman defied convention and set out to change the world. She fought for control, she fought for her country.

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Happy Valentines Day 2012.jpg  

For My Wife …

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Jack and Jill.jpg    

“She is not subtle…
She isn’t shy …
She isn’t leaving …
Family is forever.”

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30 Minutes or Less.jpg    


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Friends with Benefits.jpg  

一對普通的異性朋友,其中一個正值 emotionally unavailable,另一個則是 emotionally damaged。In other words, perfect for one another. 彼此的友誼由普通的 friends 變成 friends with benefits,關係會如何演變呢?

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Something Borrowed.jpg  

Sometimes the best things in life are borrowed …


取名自美國婚禮的傳統習俗,在婚禮中新娘必須擁有四件東西,包括新的 (something new)、舊的 (something old)借來的 (something borrowed)”和藍色的 (something blue)

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Benihana’s treat for Happy Birthday‏,紅花鐵板燒請壽星吃飯喔。

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  • Apr 11 Mon 2011 08:50
  • Arthur


All he needs to do is stand up for what he wants.

But at what cost?

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