Full Day Small-Group Royal Palace and Seoul Tour 首爾一日遊。
我們自個兒在 首爾 玩了幾天,一邊讓 R 的 韓國初訪 開啟序幕,也讓我回味了 首爾往日的生活。
這一天的行程是 ”Full Day Small-Group Royal Palace and Seoul Tour”。
曹溪寺 Jogyesa Temple
“Despite its location on a crowded street in Jongno district, the Zen Buddhist temple is serene and picturesque with colorful decorations and large golden Buddha statues.”
光化門 (광화문) Gwanghwamun Gate,是朝鮮王朝正宮景福宮(경복궁)的南門,也是其正門與最大的城門。
朝鮮時代守門將換崗儀式 (수문장 교대의식),changing of the royal guards ceremony
光化門把守儀式 : 1天2次 (11:00、13:00) / 約需10分鐘
景福宮(경복궁),”It was a main palace and the most beautiful palace during the Joseon dynasty.”
To be continued …