寄居蟹賽跑 hermit crab races,是 Saint Croix 島上很有趣的活動。”Held at multiple resort, bar and restaurant locations across the island, these ‘high-stakes’ racing events are fun for the whole family.”
Tito and Sue (left), husband and wife team, 寄居蟹賽跑主持人兼賽跑選手培訓教練 XP,開始讓大家排隊挑選賽跑寄居蟹,一隻美金兩塊錢
寄居蟹選手們在桶子內就定位,隻隻蓄勢待發 XD
哨聲響起! 寄居蟹們衝啊!!!
寄居蟹選手們跑不起來,其實是競走來著 XP
我的選手 Spicy 身旁緊跟著勁敵 Joe XD
這一回合比賽結束,寄居蟹選手們退場休息 XP
優勝者獎品有:”seaplane tickets, gift certificates for shopping or dining, trips to Buck Island, Caribbean jewelry, bottles of rum, and more.”
在海邊享受美景與清涼的海風,吃一點東西喝一點小酒,一邊玩有趣的 crab race,悠閒又歡樂,雖然只是一個小小的活動,卻是很棒的回憶。
來到聖克洛伊島 Saint Croix,不要錯過 crab races 喔!
Check out one of these weekly crab races with Tito and Sue:
Mondays: 5:00pm* at Shupe’s on the Boardwalk
Wednesdays: 5:00pm* at Divi Carina Bay Resort
Fridays: 5:30pm* at Deep End Bar & Grill at Tamarind Reef Resort
*Please note that in true island fashion, times are subject to change. If you are here during St. Croix’s off-season (July-October) and plan to attend the crab races make sure to call ahead and confirm the races are still on.