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Yahoo! News
Tue Feb 12, 12:08 AM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US grocery chain Trader Joe's said Monday it would stop selling food imported from China due to customers' concerns about the products' safety. 

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總統薩科奇 Nicolas Sarkozy 與名模歌手卡拉布魯妮 Carla Bruni 結婚了。

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By Leslie Baumann, M.D.
The Skin Guru

You can invest half your paycheck in serums and creams - even splurge on dermal fillers and pricey facials - but none of it will get you far without a skin-friendly diet.

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Nutrition Secrets From Around The World.jpg 


By Samantha Heller for MSN Health & Fitness

Cabbage or curry for cancer prevention. Sweet potatoes for longevity. Honey to heal wounds? We’ve traveled the globe and found some unusual nutrition secrets you might want to incorporate into your next meal. They could lead to better health.  


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LOHASLifestyles of Health and Sustainability,是由美國社會學家 Paul H. Ray 1998 年所提出,意思是健康永續的生活方式,也就是提倡人們在消費時,會考慮到自己與家人的健康以及對生態環境責任。



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