Think Like a Man

根據 Steve Harvey 寫的書Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment” 所改編。

那天,與 R 忙裡偷閒,參加了Think Like a Man screening 特映會,搶在電影全面上映之前,免費觀賞這部片子。

Following four interconnected and diverse men whose love lives are shaken up after the ladies they are pursuing buy Harvey’s book and start taking his advice to heart. When the band of brothers realizes they have been betrayed by one of their own, they conspire using the book’s insider information to turn the tables and teach the women a lesson of their own.


都會男女渴望找到心目中的 Mr. Right / Miss Right,尋尋覓覓你來我往之中,是否有行為公式可以套用? 可有考古題幫忙備戰? 或是有標準答案提供參考? 一本兩性關係的暢銷書,成了雙方人馬人手一本的工具書,結局會是雙贏的局面嗎? 一部都會浪漫愛情喜劇片。


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