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2010 MLB 美國職棒大聯盟總冠軍舊金山巨人棒球隊的受戒儀式

那天,舊金山暖陽高照R 與我正享受著我們的的周末小旅行中午已過了好一會兒了我們才姍姍離開下榻的Mark Hopkins San Francisco 飯店,準備外出覓食。

搭電梯下樓時,與同電梯裡的人短暫聊了一下,竟然意外獲贈兩張當晚即將在AT&T Park 舉行的San FranciscoGiants 2010 World Series Champions Ring Ceremony 的門票。欣喜之餘,R 與我允諾一定前往,不會辜負要趕飛機而無法參加的兩位贈票的 SF Giants 粉絲。

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真是太幸運了! 在棒球界年度盛事的當日,R 與我正巧就在冠軍地主隊所在的城市,並且獲贈免費的門票,這一連串的巧合與驚喜,讓事前完全不知情、當日也沒有任何預訂行程的我們好開心哪!

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受戒儀式結束之後,緊接著San Francisco Giants home opener against the St. Louis Cardinals 比賽隨即展開SF Giants 3:2獲勝。

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San Francisco Giants 2010 World Series Champions Ring,好美呀!

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Created and produced by Tiffany & Co., the 2010 San Francisco Giants World Series Champions Ring is designed to be a classic, elegant piece of fine-jewelry paying homage to the rings from earlier eras. With a modern interpretation, the original inspiration was the Giants 1933 World Series ring.


The Tiffany & Co. championship ring is primarily made from white gold. The ring top holds the “SF” logo set with round diamonds encircled by a bezel of yellow gold, flanked by two round diamonds.


One side has the year 2010 flanking a yellow gold tower of the Golden Gate Bridge – the iconic symbol of San Francisco. The other side shows the recipient’s name in a ribbon over the World Series trophy. Within the top of the trophy is one mandarin orange spessartite representing the San Francisco championship and at the base of the trophy are five diamonds representing the five New York championships.


我們也有一對 SF Giants 2010 World Series Champions Ring

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